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Through its mission to promote excellence in the arts, the Seguin Art League supports our local and regional artists. From art education to exhibits and special events, various opportunities are available to all our community members. Operational support is provided through generous grants and donations from public and private donors.

About: About
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In 1982, Mary Franke began bringing artists together to form an art club. In 1997, the art club was officially registered as a 501(c)3 non-profit under the name, Seguin Oakwood Art League. In the ensuing years members met in private homes—the One Seguin Building, the Seguin Guadalupe County Heritage Museum, at area churches, and The Silver Center.

In 2014, the Art League took a major step forward with the purchase of the 1890 Klein Opera House at 104 South Austin Street in the city's downtown historic district. From 2018 through 2021 a Capital Campaign was launched. Funds were dedicated to building out a 3,300-square-foot art gallery and teaching space on the ground floor.

On May 19, 2022, the new facility was opened for use, a welcomed anchor for the continued redevelopment of downtown Seguin. The art league’s long-range plan is to continue to raise funds for the complete renovation of the building.


About: Who We Are



About: What We Do
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